What’s the Best Part of Being a Forensic Scientist?

Bringing justice for victims? Advancing new technologies? Read below to see what our ISHI 33 speakers say they enjoy most about their job then join the discussion on our social channels to let us know what your favorite part of being a forensic scientist is.




Serve justice and protect citizens. In DVI context, the best reward is to have allowed families to find their relatives

Sylvain Hubac, Head of DNA Division, Forensic Science Laboratory, French Gendarmerie (IRCGN)




Making a difference and helping the community.

Cheryl Carriero, Assistant Director of Forensic Science Laboratory, DNA Technical Leader, Connecticut




As a research scientist, I like having the opportunity to evaluate new technologies.

Abigail Bathrick, Senior Research Scientist, Bode Technology



Forensic science has a fascinating variety of details in its various disciplines, and the work is greatly rewarding. Every day is like a new puzzle.

Nicole Richetelli, Forensic Analyst and Researcher, Noblis



In my current job as an academic, I love the entrepreneurial component of it. I can do any project I want – as long as I find money to pay for it or collaborators to work with. I wasn’t expecting that after 23 years in the crime lab where I had to do either 1) get permission for every special project, or 2) do everything according to protocol. Although you didn’t ask, I had no idea that a new faculty member would be putting in 7-day work weeks of 14-hour days. That’s not exactly a dis-like, but it was unexpected.

Tim Kalafut, Associate Professor of Forensic Science, Sam Houston State University




I really enjoy the passionate people who join our field of forensic science, bringing their energy, enthusiasm, and brilliance to help solve crime with objective science. We get to work with a great group of folks.

Ray Wickenheiser, Director for the New York State Police Crime Lab System




I enjoy the people I work with, and the range of opportunities I’ve had over the last 23 years with the Australian Federal Police. I work with some fantastic teams, who all want to make a difference and make society safer.

Nathan Scudder, Coordinator of Research and Innovation, Australian Federal Police




Knowing that what I do (and love to do) on a daily basis has the potential to make a difference in people’s lives, bringing them closure and security.

Julie Conover Sikorsky, Forensic Scientist Supervisor, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office