Jarrah Kennedy


Jarrah Kennedy

Senior Biology Criminalist, Kansas City Police Crime Laboratory

Jarrah Kennedy began her career at the Miami-Dade County Crime Laboratory where she spent ~ 1 ½ years as a serologist prior to being called back to the Midwestern US. Since then, she has spent over 16 years at the Kansas City Police Crime Laboratory as a serologist and DNA analyst. Currently, Jarrah serves as a Vice Chair for the Human Forensic Biology Subcommittee (OSAC).


Jarrah recently contributed to the Human Factors in forensic science practice sourcebook published in FSI: Synergy (2022) regarding the complexities of communications that occur during a forensic investigation which was the culmination of a project that began in 2016. In 2020, she began participating in the NIST/NIJ Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation with a focus on the expression, reporting, and testimony of DNA results.