This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!   Chemical Imaging Method Holds Promise for Separate Overlapping Fingerprints (PhysOrg – 9/13/2024) A […]

Under the Microscope 2024 – August Woerner

The genetic component of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) is an estimate of kinship, often conducted at genome scales between a great number of individuals. The promise of FGG is substantial: in concert with genealogical records, it can identify a person of interest without a direct reference sample to compare against. However, at present there are […]

Comparative Evaluation of Genotyping Technologies for FIGG in Sexual Assault Casework

Today’s sponsored guest blog is written by Bode Technology. What is FIGG? Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) pairs advanced genotyping technologies with traditional genealogical research to provide investigative leads for unknown DNA evidence when CODIS searching is unproductive. It gained worldwide attention as an investigative tool after the 2018 arrest of the suspected Golden State […]

Supporting Forensic Non-Profit Organizations at ISHI

Today’s guest blog is written by Kaylanie Story, Promega. Reposted from the ISHI Report with permission. Forensic non-profit organizations play a critical role in our justice system and society at large. Supporting forensic non-profit organizations is an investment in justice, human rights, and public safety. These organizations perform essential work that often goes unnoticed but […]

This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door! Spokane Medical Examiner’s Office Teams with Othram to Identify a 1999 John Doe (DNASolves […]

Under the Microscope 2024 – Cristina Servidio

Almost fifty years ago, three young girls hitchhiked from downtown Indianapolis to the eastern part of the city trying to get to an amusement park. Unfortunately, they never reached their final destination that evening. A man in his early 40s pulled over on the side of the road and picked them up. They quickly realized […]

Under the Microscope 2024 – Ashley Hall

Imagine the scenario: your DNA is found on the handle of a knife at a crime scene. If there can be no reasonable dispute that it is your DNA, the critical question becomes – how did the DNA get there? The prosecution hypothesizes that you deposited your DNA on the handle when you used the […]

This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door! Body Was Found in the Water in 2001, California Deputies Say. Now, It’s Identified […]

Under the Microscope 2024 – Brittney Svoboda

The purpose of this study is to investigate the probative value of collecting and testing samples outside traditional cavity swabs from the victim’s oral, vaginal (penile), and rectal areas in sexual assault collection kits. Swabs collected from various areas of the victim’s body, such as inner thighs and breasts, can yield quality DNA profiles that […]