Meet the ISHI Advisory Committee: Ronaldo Carneiro da Silva Junior

As you’ve heard, the ISHI planning team has expanded by six members as we’ve formed an inaugural advisory committee. The committee was formed to steer the content and format of the annual symposium to reflect the interests of the diverse stakeholders in the forensic science community.

We will be conferring with the advisory committee throughout the planning of the ISHI conference, and are grateful for the experience and expertise that they bring. While we’ve introduced each member in this blog post, we thought it might be nice to get to know each member a little better.





Ronaldo is a Forensic Expert at Technical Scientific Directory of Brazilian Federal Police. He is the Custodian of the National DNA Database and Coordinator of the Steering Committee of the Brazilian Network of DNA Databases.


Ronaldo obtained his Pharmacy degree at the Universidade Federal Fluminense – in habilitation in Industrial Pharmacy and Biochemistry. His Master (2005) and Doctorate (2009) degrees were completed at the Universidade Federal Fluminense.


Ronaldo has been the head of the Technical-Scientific Sector at Federal Police Superintendence in the State of Acre from 2012 to 2014 and Head of the Forensic Genetics Area at the National Institute of Criminalistics from 2016 to 2018.


He is a member of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) and was an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Working Group on DNA Analysis of the Ibero-American Academy of Criminalistics and Forensic Studies (GITAD/AICEF) for the 2017/2019, 2019/2021, and 2021/2023 biennia.


Ronaldo is a collaborator of the National Secretariat of Public Security (SENASP) within the Collection of Biological Material in Brazilian Prisons Program. He is also a project reviewer of the Federal District Research Support Foundation – FAP/DF. He is a founder and member of the management team of the DNA Integrated System (SInDNA) Development Project, a tool that has the proposal to be a complete solution for the development of forensic genetics and for the promotion of DNA Databases in Brazil.


In these video interviews, Ronaldo discusses his current role as Custodian of the Brazilian National DNA Database, how forensic science has changed over the years, challenges facing Latin American countries, and his relationship with ISHI as a workshop chair and first time attendee during the pandemic.