Meet the ISHI Advisory Committee: Jim Thomson

We are delighted to feature Jim Thomson, an esteemed member of the ISHI Advisory Committee, whose extensive experience in forensic DNA testing and genotyping has significantly shaped the field. Jim’s career, spanning over three decades, exemplifies a profound dedication to advancing forensic science, making him a source of inspiration within the ISHI community.


Jim embarked on his journey into forensic science at the Royal London Hospital in 1986, where he played a pivotal role in establishing some of the first DNA fingerprinting techniques used for paternity testing in the UK. This early work set the stage for a career dedicated to the development and implementation of innovative DNA testing methods.


In 1995, Jim joined LGC and later moved to Eurofins Forensic Services, where he has been instrumental in leading and expanding forensic DNA services. Notably, he helped launch the first independent National DNA Database reference laboratory in 1997, which was a groundbreaking step in forensic DNA testing. Over the years, Jim has led R&D teams focused on pioneering forensic DNA projects, continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the identification and analysis of forensic samples.


Today, as the Scientific Knowledge Manager and DNA Science Lead at Eurofins, Jim’s influence extends across multiple international laboratories, where he fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing among forensic professionals in Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. His efforts ensure that Eurofins remains at the forefront of forensic innovation, providing reliable and advanced solutions for crime stain analysis and casework.


To bring Jim Thomson’s insights and experiences closer to our community, we are sharing a series of video interviews where he discusses his professional journey, key milestones in forensic DNA technology, and his experiences at ISHI. Join us at the next ISHI conference to connect with experts like Jim and explore the latest developments in forensic DNA analysis.