This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!


This Week in Forensic Science


A Look at the DNA Tech Company Helping to Solve Cold Cases (Inside Edition – 7/20/2018)

  • But DNA technology company Parabon NanoLab’s breakthroughs in genetic analysis have upended the notion of a “cold” case, as it has helped law enforcement agencies make arrests and identify suspects in decades-old unsolved murders since Ma


BBC One Tackles the Jack the Ripper Mystery with Modern Forensics (RAPID TV News – 7/21/2018)

  • A BBC One science documentary will employ the latest police cold-case techniques to these gruesome Jack the Ripper murders.


Finding His Identity Still Work in Progress for Henderson Man (Las Vegas Review Journal – 7/22/2018)

  • The call came in October 2012, while Fronczak was at work. He sat, shocked and silent, as a man on the other end of the line told him, “There’s no remote possibility you’re Paul Fronczak,” he remembers. About a year later the FBI announced it had reopened the kidnapping case.Since that moment, Fronczak has searched for the real Paul. He also worked with genetic genealogist CeCe Moore, founder of the DNA Detectives, to determine his true identity.


New Forensic Analysis Can Pinpoint Victim’s Age from Blood Stains (Forbes – 7/23/2018)

  • A new method devised by University at Albany chemists Kyle Doty and Igor Lednev was recently published in the American Chemical Society journal Central Science. Using blood from 45 donors, they were able to distinguish unique profiles from the newborns, adolescents, and adults.



NIST Builds Statistical Foundation for Next-Generation Forensic DNA Profiling (NIST – 7/23/2018)

  • NIST scientists have published statistical data needed for forensic DNA profiling based on a technology called Next Generation Sequencing. To do that, they sequenced forensic DNA markers for a sample population.


Thousands of Women Seek Their Roots Decades After Being Sold in Boy-Preferring Rural China (Global Times – 7/23/2018)

  • An increasing number of these girls, mostly adopted in the late 1970s and early 1980s, are starting to explore their identity now. In a recent “family-seeking” activity held in Gutian county, Fujian Province early in July, many women gathered and registered their information and left blood samples for DNA tracking.


Scientists Sketched Out a Suspect’s Face Using DNA from a 42-Year-Old Cold Case (CNN – 7/24/2018)

  • For more than four decades, police trying to solve a double homicide in rural Wisconsin could only rely on the recollections of two nearby hikers.

    No longer. Thanks to advances in DNA technology, law enforcement now has a better idea of a physical description for the suspect they say sexually assaulted and killed a young couple out camping.


Gird Your Genes: What DNA Matching Might Mean for Your Privacy (California Magazine – 7/25/2018)

  • The case was a major breakthrough for both forensic investigators and crime victim advocates. But it also had some troubling implications for civil libertarians and privacy proponents.


9/11 Victim Identified Using DNA Testing (New York Post – 7/25/2018)

  • The remains of a 26-year-old financial worker who died 17 years ago on 9/11 has been identified through advanced DNA testing by the city’s Medical Examiner, a report on Wednesday said.


Sheriff Turns to Family Tree Databases to Find ID of First Victim of Serial Killer (FOX 28 – 7/25/2018)

  • The Marion County Sheriff is turning to DNA databases used by amateur genealogists to fill in their family trees in his latest effort to find the identity of a woman who may be the first victim of serial killer Shawn Grate. Those databases were used to solve recent high profile cases including the arrest of the Golden State Killer after he murdered dozens and eluded police for decades.