Tiger Slaughterhouse: DNA Identifications Against Illegal Animal Trade in Europe

Tiger Slaughterhouse: DNA Identifications Against Illegal Animal Trade in Europe

The presentation aims to provide an overview of interesting cases of illegal wildlife crime solved by DNA analysis. The case of “Tiger Slaughterhouse” has exposed the illicit animal trade in Europe and accented the need for research targeting endangered species like big cats (Panthera tigris, Panthera leo, Panthera onca, Panthera pardus, …). The necessary genetic tools include new sampling and extraction strategies, a species-specific qPCR quantitation system (nuclear, mitochondrial), STR multiplexes, a field testing system, and a database solution. Animal DNA forensics has many specific challenges, like inbreeding, lack of population studies, the limited accessibility of reference samples, and problematic shipping of samples from/to the European Union. Also, the existing recommendations for non-human DNA testing need to be updated to address the current casework experience.

The presentation aims to provide an overview of interesting cases of illegal wildlife crime solved by DNA analysis. The case of “Tiger Slaughterhouse” has exposed the illicit animal trade in Europe and accented the need for research targeting endangered species like big cats (Panthera tigris, Panthera leo, Panthera onca, Panthera pardus, …). The necessary genetic tools include new sampling and extraction strategies, a species-specific qPCR quantitation system (nuclear, mitochondrial), STR multiplexes, a field testing system, and a database solution. Animal DNA forensics has many specific challenges, like inbreeding, lack of population studies, the limited accessibility of reference samples, and problematic shipping of samples from/to the European Union. Also, the existing recommendations for non-human DNA testing need to be updated to address the current casework experience.

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