Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists

My twin daughters are finishing up their 10th-grade year next month, finding themselves smack in the middle of their high school experience, and discussions of classes, colleges and careers are increasing in frequency in my household. (It’s cliché, but I have to say it… Where does the time go?) As the girls begin to ponder […]

The Free Scientific Resource: Evaluating the Accuracy of Wikipedia

Several weeks ago, I came across an article on about how Wikipedia is becoming a scientific resource, whether we like it or not. Scientists are reading Wikipedia, the article said, and it’s affecting how they write. The article cited a study by researchers from MIT and Pitt that found statistical evidence of language in peer-reviewed articles […]

Celebrating Women in Science

February 11 was the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a reminder that there is still a gender gap in science. Despite the obstacles that women need to overcome, their contributions to field of science have benefited not only their fellow researchers but also their fellow humans. From treatments for diseases to new discoveries […]

A Whole New Meaning to the Phrase “Catching Cold”

Every day we are bombarded by potential contagions: whether a physical ailment such as measles or influenza or something as seemingly harmless as a yawn or popular Internet meme. For better or worse, emotions can be contagious too, passed on from one person to another through verbal and nonverbal cues, with or without the awareness […]

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

As 2015 winds down, let’s celebrate all that’s happened in the world of ISHI this year! We converged on Grapevine, Texas for the 26th annual International Symposium on Human Identification where we discussed new technologies, mixture interpretation, Next Generation Sequencing, and the pending new CODIS loci changes. We also heard the amazing story of Kirk […]

15 Headlines Making News in Forensic Science During 2015

From the rape kit backlog to RapidDNA and phenotyping, forensic science has been top of mind in the media during 2015. Let’s take a look back on some of the biggest headlines of the year!       Microbiome Fingerprints: Researchers Identify People by the Unique Combinations of Microbes Found In and On Their Bodies (The […]

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Seattle

Did you know that citizens of Seattle buy more sunglasses per capita than any other city in the United States? Or that you can watch the landscape change from lush green to desert simply by driving to the eastern part of Washington? If you’ve never been to Seattle, coming to ISHI is the perfect time […]

What Does the Forensic Grade Label Really Mean?

On February 2, 2016, ISO 18385:2016 was published as the first international standard specific to the forensic manufacturing community.  Since the standard was published, companies have begun to self-declare that they comply with the ISO standard.  Some companies have gone a step further and reached out to Certification Bodies to provide an unbiased and independent […]