The New Superior: Leadership in a Forensic Laboratory

Now retired from his forensic science career, John M. Collins works in private practice as an executive leadership coach specializing in people, teams, and organizations in positions of public trust – individuals and teams whose decisions have a direct impact on the quality and duration of people’s lives. In these environments, there is a high […]

Bacterial Transfer Between Monogamous Couples to Detect Sexual Contact

Recently, the human microbiome has been studied for applications in human identification and its potential transfer to various surfaces. However, there has been little research on the genital microbiome, which physiologically differs from other body sites, and has great potential value in cases of sexual assault.     As per Locard’s Principle of Exchange, the […]

Recapping ISHI 33 with our Student Ambassadors

We recognize that many students in forensic science have limited opportunities to attend conferences, including ISHI, and may not know what to expect as they hit the “Register Now” button. But, we also recognize that these students represent the next generation of Lab Directors, Tech Leaders, professors, and R&D scientists and they have a lot […]

The Crisis of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women

Today’s blog is written by guest blogger Jordan Nutting, Promega. Reposted from The ISHI Report with permission.   On May 5 of this year, thousands of people across the country took part in marches, forums, community gatherings, and vigils, mourning and bearing witness to a relentless tragedy. Most people at these events wore red, and […]

Meet ISHI Exhibitors: Signature Science

Maddie and David of Signature Science sit down with Travis at ISHI Central. In this interview, they discuss the casework services that they offer crime laboratories and the new research that they’re working on.        WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS? SUBSCRIBE TO THE ISHI BLOG BELOW!   SUBSCRIBE […]

Meet ISHI Exhibitors: Othram

Michael from Othram tells Travis about their mission to solve previously unsolvable cases and provide names to unidentified remains cases. To do this, their lab is able to generate DNA profiles from original samples or extractions that may not be suitable for other forensic labs, including those that are very low quantity or are highly […]

Under the Microscope – Laurence Devesse

The ability to estimate the geographic ancestry of a donor from a forensic sample can be of vital importance for so called “no-suspect, no-hit” cases. It is a tool that can provide information to law enforcement and enable prioritisation of specific lines of enquiry. Traditionally, this has relied on the use of specific ancestry informative […]

The State of DNA Forensics in Latin America

In this interview, Ronaldo Carneiro de Silva Junior, Custodian of the National DNA Database of Brazil, discusses challenges the Latin American region faces around forensic DNA, projects they are currently working on, and how cooperation throughout the region has led to successes.        Transcript: Laura: Hello, and welcome to the annual video […]

Under the Microscope with ISHI Student Ambassador Amber Vandepoele

Amber Vandepoele is working towards her BS in Biochemistry and BS in Forensic Science at Syracuse University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. During her first semester at Syracuse, Amber joined Dr. Marciano’s bioforensics lab on campus, the first freshman to do so. Through three years of bioforensics research, she […]