Networking for Scientists Part III: Tips and Tricks for Online Social Networks

It’s 2017. Odds are you’re on a social networking site. And if you’re not, you need to be! At least for your job search. There are two kinds of social networkers: those who post every tiny detail that happens in their lives and those who do not. For the job search, you want to be […]
Teaching Old and New Dogs Mixture Tricks of the Future

Most forensic DNA analysts old and new have worked with scientists throughout the past that still wax nostalgically about the silver staining years (or other DNA methods that pre-date many of us). Generally speaking, nearly all DNA training programs involve components of the ‘history of DNA’ that cover the methods that led us to where […]
From Training to Casework: Validating and Implementing Probabilistic Genotyping in the Laboratory

Validating and implementing new technology can often feel like a daunting task. At DNA Labs International (DLI), staying on the forefront of DNA testing is critical to being able to offer new techniques that may be able to obtain results for those previously unsolved cold cases. However, like other laboratories, resources such as personnel and […]
15 Tips for Poster Presenters

Congratulations! You’ve created and submitted a great scientific poster abstract for consideration and it’s been accepted for presentation! Now what? What size should your poster be? What format does it need to be in? How will you find your poster board? What day will you present it? If this is your first time presenting at […]