Culture Rules- Investigating Company Cultures

Last week, we discussed the importance of keeping a schedule when you’re job searching. This week, we’re going to focus on the importance of company culture. When searching for a job it’s important to consider the job duties as well as the company and the company’s culture. Two companies have become famous for their cultures—Google […]
Surviving the Job Hunt

So you’re looking for a job. Maybe you’ve been laid off, downsized, fired, or just finished school. The hunt is now on to find gainful and hopefully meaningful employment. There’s no way around it. Being unemployed is no fun. Trust me, I’ve been there – more than once! To aid in your job search, we’ve […]
Preparing as an Expert Witness: Then and Now

Robin Cotton has testified as an expert witness in 35 states. Here, she describes what testifying was like in the early days of DNA, shares tips for how to simplify complicated terms for the jury, and explains why it’s important to speak to the science, no matter who is asking the question. […]
When School is just a Memory: Science after Graduation

Happy graduation! Whether you graduated last week or twenty years ago, the experience is roughly the same. As soon as you arrive on the far side of the stage, empty diploma folder under your arm, hand still sticky from the Dean’s sweaty handshake, the reality of post-academic life sets in. Perhaps grad school is on […]
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: The Petrous Bone as a Source of DNA for STR Typing and MPS Analysis

The human body of an adult individual is composed of approximately 206 bones. All of the bones in the adult skeleton consist of two structural components that are either spongy or compact. Generally, compact and dense bones are known to preserve DNA better than brittle bones. Therefore, the identification of skeletal remains in forensic genetics […]
When Medical Conditions Muddle Forensic Casework

Picture yourself relaxing at home watching your favorite television show. Your feet are up, all of your chores are done, and the house is quiet. Maybe you’ve got your favorite ice-cold drink sitting on the table next to you and a pizza on the way. Life is good! Except, now there’s an insistent knocking at […]
Effect of Automated Methods on Forensic DNA Workflow Management

In 2013, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Houston Crime Laboratory had two robots for automated purification and one robot for automated assay set-up. All were under-utilized and none were incorporated into a cohesive automated workflow; rather, made available for independent use at the analysts’ discretion. We were working under a case-ownership workflow where […]
What Advice Would You Give to Someone Just Starting Out in Forensics?

Maybe you’ve just graduated and are looking for your first job in forensics, or maybe you’re just starting work as an analyst. Either way, trying to find your footing can be tough. That’s why we’ve asked our ISHI 28 speakers to share some pearls of wisdom for those just starting out in the field of […]
Reducing Sexual Assault Kit Backlogs Using an Automated Protocol

Sorenson Forensics is a high-throughput private laboratory that processes hundreds of cases every day. Much of our workload comes from backlogged sexual assault collection kits from across the country. We “Y Screen” almost every piece of evidence in a kit, looking for presence of male DNA in female source samples. Unfortunately for our lab, our […]