Reliving the Best Moments of ISHI 32
The 20th Anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks marks a moment in the history of the United States like no other. The attacks cast a shadow over American life and defined the new century and a war on terror. The aftermath of these attacks was not confined to weeks or months but continues today. […]
Know Before You Go to ISHI 32
You’ve waited for almost two years, and now the International Symposium on Human Identification is back and better than ever before! ISHI promises to deliver both educational and networking opportunities. Our hope is that after the conference you return to the office with a renewed sense of passion for the important work that you do. […]
Staying Strong: NYC OCME Reflects on 9/11
It is a day most of us will never forget. We will always remember where we were, what we were doing, or who we were with on September 11, 2001. To most New Yorkers, it was a typical start to the day. The sights and sounds were common and typical; honking horns, people filling […]
Under the Microscope – Jennifer Cihlar
Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies have been extensively evaluated by forensic genomic Research and Development laboratories for the past ten years. Results from these studies have routinely demonstrated the benefits afforded by use of these enhanced technologies and have helped progress the adoption of MPS in forensic genomic laboratories that process biological evidence. The commercial […]
Under the Microscope – Dane Plaza
Rapid DNA technology can provide investigators with real-time investigative information, enhance border security and public safety, aid in prevention and detection of human trafficking, and provide identifications in mass casualty events. While Rapid DNA was designed for operation by non-technical field personnel, it is important to be implemented properly with the complementary support of trained […]
Under the Microscope – Curt Hewitt
For the past three years, Signature Science has been working on the IARPA PROTEOS program to demonstrate that protein sequencing can successfully be used for human forensic identification for samples where DNA was either absent or degraded, specifically touch samples. Together with the University of North Texas Health Science Center and The Ohio State University, […]
Under the Microscope – Allison Sherier
Over the past decade microbial forensics has shifted from solely biosecurity applications to include human identification (HID). Studies have shown that the human skin microbiome could potentially serve as an adjunct to traditional DNA evidence, especially when the human DNA is low quantity. Recently, a custom targeted panel for the human skin microbiome has been […]
Under the Microscope – Jianye Ge
Y chromosome STR haplotypes have been used in assisting forensic investigations primarily for identification and male lineage determination. The Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) Lineage Marker Committee published interpretation guidelines for Y-STR typing, which provide helpful guidance. However, these guidelines do not address the issue of kinship analysis with Y-STR haplotypes. Because […]
Under the Microscope – Rachel Oefelein and Tarah Nieroda
As the world slowly starts to return to business, new challenges are faced by restrictions in the courtrooms. Combining the nerves of regular testimony with personal protective equipment (PPE) on the stand, along with temperature checks, and new check‐in procedures, adds to the stress of everyday testimony. However, many courtrooms are opting for another choice, […]