Under the Microscope with Student Ambassador Julia Wang
Julia Wang is working towards her PhD in Forensic Science at Sam Houston State University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. Her curiosity for natural sciences first led her to study human biology and cell biology for her undergraduate and master’s degrees. Julia’s passion for research was nourished during this […]
Mobilizing the DNA Laboratory: Rapid DNA for Mass Identification Events
Nothing taught the forensic DNA community, arguably the world, more about mass identification than the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. This singular event solidified DNA’s role in the identification of those who could not identify themselves. The use of DNA analysis in this, and other like events, has become a pivotal and […]
Under the Microscope with ISHI Student Ambassador Beighley Ayers
Beighley Ayers is working towards her Masters in Forensic Science at Towson University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. Beighley’s early fascination with forensic science started around middle school, inspired by television and documentaries broadcasting strong women in STEM using evidence as puzzle pieces to solve crimes. She knew forensic […]
FIRST LOOK | Innocence After Guilt: The Role of Post-Conviction DNA Testing in the US
In our quest for justice, how do we work to eliminate wrongful convictions? What has history taught us? What role has forensic DNA played since its emergence? In the upcoming six-part Innocence After Guilt video series we delve into the role of DNA testing in the United States in post-conviction work to exonerate the innocent […]
Just for Students: Launching the Threesis Academic Challenge and Student Ambassador Search
As a student (or someone who recently graduated) in forensic science, it’s exciting to think of all the opportunities that lay before you, but it can also be intimidating, leading to a number of questions. We’d like to help by creating a community to help answer your questions, build your network, and to a place […]
August 2022 Issue of The ISHI Report Now Live
As summer winds down we are happy to share the latest edition of the ISHI Report, featuring contributions from guest authors representing diverse areas of the forensic science community. Vanessa Lynch, the founder of DNAforAfrica provides an update on the use of advocacy outreach and forensic expertise to aid the development of DNA […]
Announcing the Winner of the First ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge
Thank you to all who submitted a video for the ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge and for all who voted! Over the course of the challenge, the videos submitted received a total of 7,500+ views and 1310 “likes/votes”. With no further ado, congratulations to Julia Wang, who received 315 votes for her video Trapping […]
Under the Microscope – Ray Wickenheiser
DNA databases have been very effective at developing investigative leads, providing new suspects for unsolved forensic cases. To date, the majority of forensic laboratories utilize DNA databases with direct matching, where forensic profiles found at crime scenes are compared to profiles from known individuals and must match exactly. Expanding the size of a law enforcement […]
Draft Agenda Now Live for ISHI 33
In just a few months, many of you will join us for ISHI 33 at the Gaylord National Harbor outside of Washington DC. We’ve already announced that our keynote speaker will be DeNeen L. Brown, a reporter at The Washington Post. She will discuss the Red Summer of 1919, when a reign of racist massacres […]