Unlock Your Future in Forensic Science: Apply to be an ISHI Student Ambassador

Are you a student with a fervor for forensic science? Eager to be part of a global community that’s shaping the future of human identification? We have an exciting opportunity for you! The International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI) invites applications for its esteemed Student Ambassador Program. It’s not just a conference; it’s a springboard […]

Highlights from ISHI 34 in Denver, Colorado

Topics such as burnout and resiliency are not often spoken about in forensic DNA. This year’s keynote, Allison Massari, taught those in the audience the potent life lessons that she learned on each step of her path after she was severely burned in a fire and faced seemingly insurmountable odds and provided actionable steps that […]

Know Before You Go to ISHI 34

It’s hard to believe, but it’s almost time for ISHI 34! Our hope is that after the conference you return to the office with a renewed sense of passion for the important work that you do and a couple of new contacts to add to your rolodex (assuming you still have one). So dust off […]

August 2023 Issue of The ISHI Report Now Live

Greetings and welcome to the August edition of the ISHI Report. As summer winds to a close here in Madison, WI, our team is engaged in final preparations for the 34th ISHI. We’ll look forward to seeing many of you at the symposium in Denver, Colorado.     This issue features contributions from authors who […]

Under the Microscope – Meradeth Houston Snow

The intersection between identifying human remains that may be of Native American ancestry, and genetic testing, is one that is fraught with misunderstandings and cultural insensitivities. As the numbers of missing and murdered Indigenous persons (MMIP) continues to rise, the ability to bridge the world of forensic identification and cultural respect is becoming one that […]

Under the Microscope 2023 – Greg Hampikian

The National Registry of Exonerations reported that misleading forensic evidence is a prominent factor in wrongful convictions. Because DNA evidence resonates with jurors, even small mistakes have large effects. For example, when male DNA is reported in a “sperm fraction”—even though no sperm are present—the profile is referred to as “sperm DNA” by lawyers and […]

Innocence After Guilt Episode 1: An Introduction to Post-Conviction DNA Testing

According to the National Registry of Exonerations, there have been 3,337 exonerations since 1989 accounting for more than 29,500 years lost. In our quest for justice, how do we work to eliminate wrongful convictions? What has history taught us? What role has forensic DNA played since its emergence? In this video series we delve into […]

Under the Microscope with Student Ambassador Kayli Carrillo

Kayli Carrillo is in the Forensic Science Program at Sam Houston State University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. Her interest in forensic science began around eight years of age while in third grade. She discovered a keen interest in crime-solving television programs. CSI: Miami became her favorite never-miss show. […]

Under the Microscope with Student Ambassador Cassandra Skrant

Cassandra Skrant is in the Forensic Science Program at Towson University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. Multiple events in her life led her to forensic science. As a high school student Cassie cultivated a passion for biology, which she decided to develop at The Ohio State University as a biology […]