Under the Microscope – Lisa Mertz

Within the past 15-20 years, successful technological advances in forensic science have solved many cold cases. The increase in the number of possible items that might presently be tested as evidence in criminal matters, in general, has led to the need for collaborative efforts among the New York City DNA Laboratory, the New York City […]

Under the Microscope – Charlotte Word

In the early days of DNA profiling, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) testing required a relatively large amount of DNA for the development of a DNA profile, and the bloodstain left behind was still visible or detectable using presumptive testing. By the late 1990s, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing had replaced RFLP, and the amount […]

Under the Microscope – Kevin Cheng

Reproducibility is one of the main principles of the scientific method.  Reproducibility in forensic DNA interpretation typically relates to the reported match statistic. The development of probabilistic genotyping (PG) solutions using semi-continuous and continuous models was partly in a response to intra and inter laboratory differences to improve reproducibility of the results. However, there are still […]

Introducing the ISHI Ambassadors

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the International Symposium on Human Identification. Much has changed since the first gathering in 1989 when the field was in its infancy. Throughout this anniversary year, we’ll be celebrating the men and women who perform the demanding but crucial work of the forensic scientist, as well as exploring […]

Networking for Introverts at ISHI

Networking for Introverts

Ah networking; has there ever been a topic that was more polarizing? Well, yeah, there are a few others that come to mind, but if you’re an introvert, this one is definitely on the list. Introverts the world over know why they should network, but they also know the joy that comes from calling it […]

Predict the Future of Forensic Science!

Predict the Future of Forensic Science

Predict the Future – Get a Bumper Sticker!     Forensic science is always advancing. Technologies that seemed futuristic years ago are now commonplace. What do YOU think will be the most significant advances in forensic science in the coming years? Provide your prediction in a 30 second or less video clip and receive a […]

Reflections on Three Decades of Forensic Science: An Interview with Bill Linton

Reflections on Three Decades of Forensic Science: An Interview with Bill Linton

DNA typing was in its infancy. Random Fragment Length Polymorphism represented the state of the art in forensic science and the world wide web was years in the future when the first International Symposium on Human Identification was held in 1989.   Few at that meeting could have predicted that the arguably unglamorous job of […]

The Future of Synthetic Biology – An Interview with Andrew Hessel

The Future of Synthetic Biology - an Interview with Andrew Hessel

What if you could cure cancer with a synthetic virus or pre-load your children with genetic information? The future of synthetic biology is here. In this interview, Andrew Hessel, founder of Humane Genomics, explains how tailor-made viruses may one day cure cancer, how IVF will be replaced by a less expensive and more effective method, […]

To Catch a Predator – An Interview with Paul Holes

In his keynote address at ISHI 30 this September, Paul Holes will detail how investigative genealogy techniques, determination, and more than a little bit of patience led to the identification and capture of the Golden State Killer. We recently interviewed Paul and asked him what drew him to the Golden State Killer case, how he […]