August 2022 Issue of The ISHI Report Now Live

As summer winds down we are happy to share the latest edition of the ISHI Report, featuring contributions from guest authors representing diverse areas of the forensic science community.     Vanessa Lynch, the founder of DNAforAfrica provides an update on the use of advocacy outreach and forensic expertise to aid the development of DNA […]

Announcing the Winner of the First ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge

Thank you to all who submitted a video for the ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge and for all who voted!  Over the course of the challenge, the videos submitted received a total of 7,500+ views and 1310 “likes/votes”.     With no further ado, congratulations to Julia Wang, who received 315 votes for her video Trapping […]

Draft Agenda Now Live for ISHI 33

In just a few months, many of you will join us for ISHI 33 at the Gaylord National Harbor outside of Washington DC. We’ve already announced that our keynote speaker will be DeNeen L. Brown, a reporter at The Washington Post. She will discuss the Red Summer of 1919, when a reign of racist massacres […]

Vote for Your Favorite in the ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge

Voting has opened in the ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge! This Threesis challenge is an opportunity for entrants to refine and hone their communication skills to articulate the impact their research has on the field of DNA forensics. View all of the entrants on this playlist on our YouTube channel. View the entrants below and vote for your […]

Meet the ISHI Advisory Committee: Dr. Claire Glynn

As you’ve heard, the ISHI planning team has expanded by six members as we’ve formed an inaugural advisory committee. The committee was formed to steer the content and format of the annual symposium to reflect the interests of the diverse stakeholders in the forensic science community. We will be conferring with the advisory committee throughout […]

Announcing the ISHI Threesis Academic Challenge

Can you summarize your research in just three minutes? As a student or newly minted forensic scientist, you have limited opportunities to showcase your work before your peers and presenting at a scholarly conference can be daunting. This Threesis challenge is an opportunity to refine your thinking and hone your communication skills so that you can […]

February 2022 Issue of The ISHI Report Now Live

Though it’s hard to imagine a Spring thaw just yet, the ISHI team is already thinking ahead to the end of October when we’ll again gather for our annual conference. This year’s meeting will be held at the Gaylord National Harbor, just outside of Washington D.C. To accommodate those unable to travel, we will once […]