Every Cell Has A Story To Tell™
Crime scene investigation requires collection and analysis of biological evidence for DNA genotyping. Blood, sperm, and epithelial evidence left behind by perpetrators can help investigators acquire a genetic profile of the person who committed the crime. Submitted by: Menarini Silicon Biosystems A problem occurs when a single evidence sample consists of biological fluids […]
Clarifying Misconceptions and Acknowledging Advantages of Next-Generation Sequencing in Forensic DNA Casework

Honored to be a part of the Forensic DNA community for nearly a decade, I’ve witnessed what I would consider a rather slow evolution of technology. In recent years, I was excited to validate and implement the expanded multiplex kits, and thought I was experiencing “groundbreaking” change in forensic DNA testing. That is until I […]
Celebrate ISHI’s 30th Anniversary in Palm Springs!

2019 will mark the 30th anniversary of The International Symposium on Human Identification, and to celebrate, we’re going to a city where we’ve never been before – Palm Springs, California! For those who have never been to Palm Springs, you may want to plan a couple of extra days in this sunny, desert oasis. […]
A Cold Case, A Mystery, and DNA

“How do you like the name Jack?” the woman on the phone asked. On April 27, 1964, a nurse came into the hospital room of Dora Fronczak, who had just given birth to her young son, Paul. She told Mrs. Fronczak that it was time to take the baby to the nursery (at that time […]
An Introduction to Mindfulness

On Sunday, October 1st, ISHI will be offering it’s first workshop focused on mindfulness lead by Amy Jeanguenat. Though the concept of mindfulness has been gaining popularity in recent years, some of you may not yet be familiar with the term, so we’ve asked Amy to define mindfulness and its many benefits. […]