Kentucky State Police Rapid DNA Program: Analyzing Sexual Assault Kits Utilizing the ANDE 6C Instrument

Today’s blog is written by guest blogger, Regina Wells, DNA Database Supervisor, Kentucky State Police Central Forensic Laboratory. Reposted from The ISHI Report with permission. Over the past decade a spotlight has been placed on the tens of thousands of sexual assault kits that have remained untested in evidence rooms across the country. The […]
Under the Microscope – Dane Plaza

Rapid DNA technology can provide investigators with real-time investigative information, enhance border security and public safety, aid in prevention and detection of human trafficking, and provide identifications in mass casualty events. While Rapid DNA was designed for operation by non-technical field personnel, it is important to be implemented properly with the complementary support of trained […]
The Boundless Utility of Rapid DNA Identification

Today’s blog is written by Julie L. French, Senior Vice President of Global Scientific Support, ANDE Corporation. Read the full version in the February 2021 issue of The ISHI Report. Rapid DNA Identification has been successfully used by agencies around the world for over 10 years. Even so, sometimes it is still referred to as […]
Answers Now: How the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office is Utilizing Rapid DNA

Today’s blog is written by Sergeant Jarrett Morris and Detective Brice Bruening of the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office. Read the full version in the November 2020 issue of The ISHI Report. Santa Barbara, California, is often described as the “American Riviera”. With 117 miles of beautiful coastlines, the pristine Channel Islands, rugged mountain ranges, […]
Rapid DNA Technology for Investigation of Exhumed Human Remains: Resolution of an Alleged Case of Mistaken Cemetery Burial Using the ANDE® 6C Platform

Today’s blog is written by Angie Ambers, Ph.D., Assistant Director at Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. Read the full version in the November 2020 issue of The ISHI Report. In October 2019, two adult female decedents were processed by the same funeral home in Guilford, Connecticut. According to traditional Jewish funeral practices, […]
Rapid DNA Identification: Conception Boat Fire

In the early morning hours of September 2, 2019, a fire started in Santa Barbara County, just off the coast of Santa Cruz Island, on the Conception Dive boat with 39 passengers and crew on board. Five crew members were rescued and the remaining crew member and passengers located below deck when the fire started […]
Identifying the Victims of the Conception Boat Fire

On Labor Day, 2019, The Conception caught fire on the last day of a 3-day diving trip off of the coast of California. Tragically, all 33 passengers and 1 crew member perished in the fire. In this interview, Kimberly Gin, Coroner at the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office shares how she and a Deputy Coroner […]
Advancements in Technology Are Warming Up Cold Cases

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), in its guidelines National Best Practices for Implementing and Sustaining a Cold Case Investigation Unit, defines a cold case as a case, “…such as a violent crime, missing person, or unidentified person, that has remained unsolved for at least three years and has the potential to be solved through […]
Under the Microscope – Regina Wells

Laboratories across the country are dealing with backlogs of sexual assault kits waiting to be tested. Laws in many states have changed requiring all kits to be tested, increasing the caseload for laboratories as well as the turnaround time in which results are obtained. The ANDE 6C Rapid DNA System can analyze an evidence sample […]