Utilization of the RapidINTEL™ Plus Cartridge on the RapidHIT ID Instrument

This article was written by Elizabeth Kowalczyk, Biomedical PhD Student at The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. I have explored various aspects of forensic science, starting my research journey in high school through internships at the Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology and Huntsville Hospital. During my undergraduate studies, I majored […]
Executing a Disaster Response: The Rapid DNA Mass Disaster Emergency Response and Preparedness Toolkit

Taylor Koepfler is a Senior DNA Analyst with the Wisconsin Department of Justice – Division of Forensic Science. She earned a master’s degree in Forensic and Investigative Science from West Virginia University, where her research and master’s thesis centered on the utilization of Rapid DNA technology. Prior to her current role, Ms. Koepfler spent over […]
From Theory to Field: Angelo Figueroa Tests Rapid DNA’s Real-World Applications

Chastyn sits down with Angelo Figueroa, a master’s student from the University of Amsterdam currently completing his thesis through an internship at the University of North Texas. In this insightful interview, Angelo shares his experiences in the forensic field, focusing on his study involving the RapidHIT™ from Thermo Fisher. He delves into the objectives […]
Simplified DE Method for the RapidHIT™ ID to Obtain Investigative Leads from Sexual Assault Evidence

Today’s blog is written by guest bloggers Hanson E1,2, Gonzalez Tirado D1, Bass B1, Werking J3, Lagace R3 and Ballantyne J1,2 1National Center for Forensic Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL USA 2Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL USA 3ThermoFisher Scientific, San Francisco, California, USA Rapid DNA fully integrates sample analysis […]
Connecticut’s Implementation of a Rapid DNA Program for Law Enforcement Agencies

Rapid DNA technology delivers lab-quality DNA profiles and database matches in ninety (90) minutes, as opposed to weeks or months when submitted to the laboratory for conventional DNA testing. The 24/7 access to prompt DNA testing, is an invaluable tool as it provides real-time investigative leads for major crimes. The Connecticut Department of Emergency […]
Mobilizing the DNA Laboratory: Rapid DNA for Mass Identification Events

Nothing taught the forensic DNA community, arguably the world, more about mass identification than the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. This singular event solidified DNA’s role in the identification of those who could not identify themselves. The use of DNA analysis in this, and other like events, has become a pivotal and […]
Under the Microscope – Julie Conover Sikorsky

In August of 2020 the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Biology Unit (FBU) went on- line with a Rapid DNA program. Their goals were three-fold: 1) incorporate this technology into their regular casework cadence; 2) establish a Rapid DNA infrastructure within their service area; and 3) develop a plan to mobilize this technology should […]
Under the Microscope – Cheryl Carreiro and Sevasti Papakanakis

The CT Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) Division of Scientific Services (DSS) Forensic Laboratory has successfully established a Rapid DNA Law Enforcement program for crime scene samples. Rapid DNA technology delivers lab-quality DNA profiles and database matches in ninety (90) minutes, as opposed to weeks or months when submitted to the laboratory […]
Lessons Learned from Implementing and Operating a Rapid DNA Program on the United States Border

Since early 2018, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has encountered a migration crisis at the southern border, including an increase in fraudulent family relationship claims. To help address this, Bode Technology developed, deployed, and operated a wide-ranging program for DHS to utilize Rapid DNA to identify and deter possible child trafficking by identifying fraudulent […]