This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!       Horry County Police Department Teams with Othram to Identify “Baby Boy […]

Under the Microscope with Student Ambassador Cassandra Skrant

Cassandra Skrant is in the Forensic Science Program at Towson University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. Multiple events in her life led her to forensic science. As a high school student Cassie cultivated a passion for biology, which she decided to develop at The Ohio State University as a biology […]

Bringing New Technologies into the Forensic DNA Laboratory

Travis chats with Jennifer Raymond, Research Coordinator at the New South Wales Police Force in Australia, who is responsible for investigating new technologies to determine whether or not to implement them into the laboratory. They discuss the implementation of forensic investigative genetic genealogy into casework in Australia and the public acceptance level of the technique […]

This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!       DNA Technology Links Suspect to Second Child Homicide in Boardman Township […]

Under the Microscope with Student Ambassador Julia Wang

Julia Wang is working towards her PhD in Forensic Science at Sam Houston State University and will be representing ISHI as a Student Ambassador this year. Her curiosity for natural sciences first led her to study human biology and cell biology for her undergraduate and master’s degrees. Julia’s passion for research was nourished during this […]

Mobilizing the DNA Laboratory: Rapid DNA for Mass Identification Events

Nothing taught the forensic DNA community, arguably the world, more about mass identification than the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. This singular event solidified DNA’s role in the identification of those who could not identify themselves. The use of DNA analysis in this, and other like events, has become a pivotal and […]

This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!       Spokane County Medical Examiner’s Office & Spokane Police Department Partner with […]

Educating the Next Generation of Forensic Scientists

Travis chats with Tim Kalafut, Associate Professor of Forensic Science at Sam Houston State University. They chat about the courses that Tim teaches, what he enjoys most about being a professor, and how things have changed in the field since Tim first started working in the laboratory as a practitioner over 20 years ago.   […]

This Week in Forensic Science

No one has hours to scour the papers to keep up with the latest news, so we’ve curated the top news stories in the field of Forensic Science for this week. Here’s what you need to know to get out the door!       DNA Hit of the Year: Lessons in Terrorism and Criminal Law […]