Discovering the Truth About the Dozier School for Boys

The Dozier School for Boys had cemeteries instead of playgrounds.   Written by: Greg Emmerich, Promega Corporation     The stories of abuse that took place at the reformative school in Marianna, Florida are nothing short of a plot for the TV series American Horror Story. The beatings and other punishments administered to students throughout the school’s […]

Catching the Grim Sleeper – An Interview with Rock Harmon

It’s estimated that 80+ people have been murdered by the Grim Sleeper since 1985. He is the longest-operating serial killer west of the Mississippi. He was given the title “Grim Sleeper” by LA Weekly, because he took a 13-year hiatus before resuming killing.   Written by: Tara Luther, Promega   On March 21, 2001, Los […]

Identifying Soldiers from 100 Year-Old Remains

Jim Thomson of LGC describes how they worked to identify 250 skeletal remains of soldiers who had fallen during the Battle of Fromelles in 1916.         TRANSCRIPT: My name is Jim Thomson. I work for LGC, who are a large forensic service provider in the UK. I lead the DNA R&D team […]

Forensic Genetic Genealogy… How does it work?

A couple of weeks ago, we posted an article on how forensic genetic genealogy helped to find a serial murderer in Phoenix, AZ. This week, we spoke with Colleen Fitzpatrick, an internationally recognized forensic genealogist to learn more about the process of genetic genealogy, and how it can be used to help solve future cases. […]

Who Was Detective X?

It was called the Trial of the Century, and it ended on February 13, 1935. On that winter night, the Hunterdon County Courthouse in Flemington, New Jersey, was surrounded by thousands of people awaiting the verdict. When it came, camera operators on the newsreel trucks launched flares that lit up the night sky and illuminated […]

Identification of a John Wayne Gacy Victim

In an interview from ISHI 24, Dixie Peters describes how the identity of a John Wayne Gacy victim is revealed after more than 30 years.          TRANSCRIPT: My name is Dixie Peters, and I’m the Technical Leader of the Missing Persons Unit at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, […]

A Cold Case Review into the Mind of Serial Killer Joseph Naso

Dawn Romano of the Contra Costa County Crime Lab describes the case of serial killer Joseph Naso, and how he was brought to justice.         TRANSCRIPT: My name is Dawn Romano. I’m the Forensic Supervisor and Technical Leader at the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff Crime Lab. In 2010, Joseph […]

A Cold Case, A Mystery, and DNA

“How do you like the name Jack?” the woman on the phone asked. On April 27, 1964, a nurse came into the hospital room of Dora Fronczak, who had just given birth to her young son, Paul. She told Mrs. Fronczak that it was time to take the baby to the nursery (at that time […]

Neanderthal Genes in Modern Humans

Professor Ed Green discusses sequencing of the Neanderthal genome and signs that early humans interbreed with Neanderthals.        TRANSCRIPT: My name is Ed Green and I am an Assistant Professor of Biomolecular Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz. My research program is around genome sciences. We study all kinds of […]