Forensic Genetic Investigation of Two Adult Male Skeletons Recovered from the 17th Century La Belle Shipwreck using Massively Parallel Sequencing

Today’s blog is written by Angie Ambers, Ph.D., Assistant Director at Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. Read the full version in the November 2020 issue of The ISHI Report. Born in 1643, the French explorer Robert Cavalier (Sieur de La Salle) is best known for leading an expedition from the Great Lakes […]
Children Left Behind by Sex Tourists and Aid Workers: Do the Fathers Ever Think of Them?

Today’s blog is written by Professor Andrew MacLeod, Chairman Griffin Law (UK), Visiting Professor Kings College London (War Studies and Genetics), and co-founder (anti-child abuse charity in Switzerland). More background on him can be found here: and here: Read the full version in the November 2020 issue of The ISHI Report. In December 2019 Susan […]
Meet the Sophomore Using Forensic Genetic Genealogy to Close Cold Cases: Olivia McCarter

Olivia McCarter is just 19 years old, but she’s already been a part of three forensic genealogy successes. As a freshman at the University of South Alabama, Olivia wondered where she fit in the field of forensic science and considered dropping out of school. Then she met Lee and Anthony Redgrave, founders of Redgrave Forensic […]
Obtaining DNA Profiles from Rootless Hairs

Throughout the years, conventional wisdom has said that rootless hair shafts do not contain DNA, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this interview, Ed Green, Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz and co-founder of Astrea Forensics, discusses how his company is generating DNA profiles from rootless hairs and how this […]
GEDmatch: A Platform for Data Driven Forensic Intelligence

Today’s blog is written by Swathi A. Kumar, Director of Product Management at Verogen. Read the full version in the November 2020 issue of The ISHI Report. GEDmatch is a genetic genealogy website with over 1.4M users who want to learn more about their genetic roots. It was set up in 2010 with the […]
GEDmatch: A Genealogy Platform Allowing Users and Law Enforcement to Make Familial Connections

GEDmatch is a genetic genealogy website with over 1.4M users who want to learn more about their genetic roots. It was set up in 2010 with the mission of using science to connect people and has since been used by amateur and professional researchers and genealogists, as well as adoptees looking for their birth parents. […]
Instructional Design for Forensic Genealogy

Forensic Genealogy Training for Law Enforcement (FG4LE) is an online educational program developed by Anthony Redgrave, lead forensic genealogist of Redgrave Research Forensic Services LLC. Anthony has a M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology, and is currently enrolled at the University of New England working towards an Ed.D. in Transformative Leadership with a focus on […]
Forensic Genealogy and Missing Persons Cases

In this interview, we talk with Dr. Bruce Budowle, Director for the Center for Human Identification at the University of North Texas Health Science Center to learn more about the challenges that come with identifying missing persons cases and how forensic genetic genealogy is becoming a powerful tool to provide identities. Dr. Budowle began his […]
Identifying the Oldest Doe Using Forensic Genetic Genealogy: Henry Joseph Loveless

In the summer of 1979, a family was searching for artifacts in Buffalo Cave, a dark lava tube outside of the small and remote town of Dubois, Idaho. Approximately 200 feet from the opening of the cave, the family discovered a burlap sack containing a mummified, clothed, and dismembered headless torso. In early spring of […]