Obtaining DNA Profiles from Rootless Hairs

Throughout the years, conventional wisdom has said that rootless hair shafts do not contain DNA, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this interview, Ed Green, Professor at the University of California Santa Cruz and co-founder of Astrea Forensics, discusses how his company is generating DNA profiles from rootless hairs and how this […]

GEDmatch: A Platform for Data Driven Forensic Intelligence

Today’s blog is written by Swathi A. Kumar, Director of Product Management at Verogen. Read the full version in the November 2020 issue of The ISHI Report.    GEDmatch is a genetic genealogy website with over 1.4M users who want to learn more about their genetic roots. It was set up in 2010 with the […]

Instructional Design for Forensic Genealogy

Forensic Genealogy Training for Law Enforcement (FG4LE) is an online educational program developed by Anthony Redgrave, lead forensic genealogist of Redgrave Research Forensic Services LLC. Anthony has a M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology, and is currently enrolled at the University of New England working towards an Ed.D. in Transformative Leadership with a focus on […]

Forensic Genealogy and Missing Persons Cases

In this interview, we talk with Dr. Bruce Budowle, Director for the Center for Human Identification at the University of North Texas Health Science Center to learn more about the challenges that come with identifying missing persons cases and how forensic genetic genealogy is becoming a powerful tool to provide identities. Dr. Budowle began his […]