What Advice Do You Have For Those Just Starting Out in Forensics?

Maybe you’ve just graduated and are looking for your first job in forensics, or maybe you’re just starting work as an analyst. Either way, trying to find your footing can be tough. That’s why we’ve asked our ISHI 30 speakers to share some pearls of wisdom for those just starting out in the field of […]

Introducing the ISHI Ambassadors

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the International Symposium on Human Identification. Much has changed since the first gathering in 1989 when the field was in its infancy. Throughout this anniversary year, we’ll be celebrating the men and women who perform the demanding but crucial work of the forensic scientist, as well as exploring […]

Networking for Introverts at ISHI

Networking for Introverts

Ah networking; has there ever been a topic that was more polarizing? Well, yeah, there are a few others that come to mind, but if you’re an introvert, this one is definitely on the list. Introverts the world over know why they should network, but they also know the joy that comes from calling it […]

Ok, I’ve Got My Degree, Now What?

Ok, I've Got My Degree, Now What?

Years ago, when I was in graduate school studying molecular biology, many of my professors seemed to place a lot of value on the traditional career path: several years of post-doctoral fellowships, followed by a career as a tenured faculty member at a big academic institution, with teaching responsibilities and a laboratory, post-doctoral fellows and students. At […]

Entry-Level Coaching Inspires a Winning Culture

Entry Level Coaching Inspires a Winning Culture

The first three years of a young forensic scientist’s career matter greatly.   More personal and professional transformation occurs during this time than perhaps any other.  It sets the tone for the scientist’s life in the laboratory by establishing attitudes that will either expand or deflate her/his potential to be a high performer.   Whenever […]

When Did We Stop Asking Why?

“C’mon honey, it’s time to put on your shoes.” “Why?” “Because it’s time to get going.” “Why?” “Because we have an appointment in 20 minutes.” “Why?” “Because that’s the time that worked best in my schedule.” “Why?” “Because I had meetings this morning.” “Why?” “Because that’s when they were scheduled for.”   I’ll bet you […]

What to do When You Don’t Wanna

Oh Mondays. They come every week, whether we’re ready for them or not, and if you could sum up the day in one grunt, it would be ‘ugh’. Sometimes, that ‘ugh’ feeling even starts creeping in on Sunday nights, so we take another sip of our expertly curated bottle of “whatever vintage was on sale […]

Shifting Lab Culture HPO Style: An Interview with Ross Capps

Each year, Promega hosts workshops across the United States called Tech Tours, where speakers from various labs and organizations in the forensic community are brought in to discuss and share latest advancements in STR analysis and the forensics workflow.   Last year at the Tech Tours, Ross Capps, Lab Director at the Johnson County Sheriff’s […]

Overcoming 5 Bottlenecks in Communicating Life Sciences Research

As a first-year grad student, I was so excited to start my thesis work. I brainstormed to make a list of experiments to try and then discussed them with one of the senior grad students in the lab. As I enthusiastically explained the goals of my experiments and what I was planning, he gave me […]