10 Tips to Maintain Physical Distancing in the Lab

Laboratories can be crowded places. We are used to working around other people, tossing ideas back and forth. Dark rooms, cold rooms and large equipment spaces are often shared by several labs. Some labs have shut down completely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; others, especially those labs doing research around coronavirus biology, testing and […]

How Practicing Mindfulness Can Help Ease Stress

Amy Jeanguenat, founder of Mindgen, LLC, has shared how practicing mindfulness can help ease stress to a number of you at previous ISHI conferences, but we know not all of you were able to watch her presentations. During these uncertain times, it is important to find ways to manage stress, so we’ve compiled some of […]

How to Choose a Research Thesis Topic

For a Ph.D. student, one of the most challenging, yet underrated key steps, is choosing a research topic. We often invest in choosing a university and/or a mentor neglecting potential projects that would shape our future career.   Written by Mirna Ghemrawi, Florida International University     A simple google search on “how to choose […]

A Forensic Scientist’s Path to Transforming Stress

Many analysts work in the background helping to develop investigative leads. Too often this also correlates to not receiving the benefits other positions may have to combat stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout. At ISHI 30, Amy Jeanguenat and Cathy MacMillan hosted a roundtable lunch discussion on stress in the forensic industry, coping mechanisms, and resources/research […]

Back to School: An Education on Advanced Degree Programs in Forensic Science

If you are reading this publication you are likely already in the field of forensic science or considering this as a career choice. Congratulations- you have chosen an occupation with both stability and growth potential. In fact, a 2018 Bureau of Labor Statistics report estimates that between 2018 and 2028, there will be a 14 […]

Pop Quiz: What Scientific Job is Right for You?

I used to love taking magazine quizzes to learn more about myself. I thought it would be fun to create a quiz to help you find out what scientific career path may be the best fit for you. Be open-minded while taking the quiz and remember that this is just for fun!   Written by: […]

Tales from the Trenches: Career Growth in Biotechnology

Building a successful career in the biotechnology industry is really just a series of transitions from one role to another. But the devil is in the details—when to make a change, how to create opportunities and who can be your champion as you pivot. So how do you navigate these factors to keep your career […]

PhDs: From Distressing to De-Stressing

When I searched for the origin of the word “stress”, I found that it is partially taken from an old French word “estresse”, that is narrowness and oppression. If I add the word “PhD” along with “stress”, hundreds if not thousands of articles, blogs and surveys pop-up discussing the effect of stress on PhD students. […]

5 Things to Stop Apologizing For

We’ve all been there. You’re at work but can only focus on how and when you’re going to fix the water heater that broke this morning. You rush home to tackle that problem, but you find that you can’t leave work at the lab. A quick search on the internet for the term ‘work-life balance’ […]