The Most Important Decision We Make

Today’s blog is written by Malynn Utzinger, Director of Integrative Practices, and Tim Weitzel, ESI Architect at Promega. Reposted from the Promega Connections blog with permission.   There’s an old story about a traveler who happens upon a stonemason. “What are you doing?” the traveler asks. The stonemason says wearily, “Can’t you see I am cutting […]

7 Tips for Creating an Individual Development Plan

Today’s guest blog is written by Jayme Miller, a Human Resources Generalist at Promega, who has some tips for creating an IDP that will help you achieve your goals. Individual Development Plans (IDPs) are common career development tools used in industry, and there has been a push for PhD programs to incorporate career development tools […]

Working Through Change: Quality Assurance Insight on Change Orders and Life

Today’s blog is written by guest blogger, Erin Schuster, Quality Specialist at Promega. Reposted from the Promega Connections blog with permission.   Change is not easy. It can be challenging and even frustrating at times. Yet, the outcome of change can be incredibly beneficial and rewarding. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of […]

Optimism: A Gateway to Self-Actualization

Today’s blog is written by Malynn Utzinger, Director of Integrative Practices at Promega, and Tim Weitzel, ESI Architect. Reposted from the Promega Connections blog with permission.   Optimism sometimes gets a bad rap. Many people associate optimism with a sugar-coating of reality or a blind faith that all will be well. Worse, there are brands […]

Skype a Scientist While You Stay at Home

Reposted from the Promega Connections blog with permission.   A few weeks into Wisconsin’s Safer at Home order, I saw a tweet from Sarah McAnulty, PhD, the founder and Executive Director of Skype a Scientist, proclaiming that the organization was making a big change in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—they were allowing groups smaller than five […]

Move from Fear to Balance by Asking Yourself the Right Questions

Sometimes the right question in the right moment is all you need. Once, when I was teaching  a large group of people, a participant made a joking comment about me that got a laugh from the others. This joke sent me swirling down into a story about what kind of a person the participant was, […]

10 Tips to Maintain Physical Distancing in the Lab

Laboratories can be crowded places. We are used to working around other people, tossing ideas back and forth. Dark rooms, cold rooms and large equipment spaces are often shared by several labs. Some labs have shut down completely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; others, especially those labs doing research around coronavirus biology, testing and […]

How Practicing Mindfulness Can Help Ease Stress

Amy Jeanguenat, founder of Mindgen, LLC, has shared how practicing mindfulness can help ease stress to a number of you at previous ISHI conferences, but we know not all of you were able to watch her presentations. During these uncertain times, it is important to find ways to manage stress, so we’ve compiled some of […]

How to Choose a Research Thesis Topic

For a Ph.D. student, one of the most challenging, yet underrated key steps, is choosing a research topic. We often invest in choosing a university and/or a mentor neglecting potential projects that would shape our future career.   Written by Mirna Ghemrawi, Florida International University     A simple google search on “how to choose […]