Searching for Our Next ISHI Student Ambassador

Are you a student pursuing a degree in forensic science? Are you passionate about sharing your research with future generations? Can you “hashtag this” quicker than you can pipette?

Would you like to win free registration for ISHI 32 in Orlando? If so, we invite you to apply to become an ISHI Student Ambassador.



As a student, you know that it’s important to network with those in the field who can further your research or assist you in obtaining a job after you graduate. But networking can be intimidating! As an ISHI Student Ambassador, you’ll make connections before you even arrive at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. We will introduce you and your research on our website and social channels, introducing you to other attendees and jumpstarting the networking process.


Is there an expert in the field that you’d love to meet? Let us introduce you!


You’ll also have access to all networking functions, including the Welcome Event and Wednesday Night Event.


Learn about the latest techniques and technologies over two and a half days in the general sessions. You’ll also be granted complimentary registration to the pre and post-conference workshops, which will provide you with information that you can take back to the lab with you.


Is the stress of looking for a job after you graduate wearing on you? Each year, ISHI hosts a large number of vendors in our exhibit hall. You’ll have access to the exhibition area to chat with potential employers and being an ambassador will look great on your resumé!


You’re never too young to make a difference! As an ISHI Student Ambassador, you’ll have a chance to share your passion for forensic DNA with your peers and future generations. Present your scientific poster to an in-person audience including mentors you’ll be able to take selfies with later. We’ll also record a video interview of your poster presentation to be shared on our social channels later, leading to further connections.


Are you interested in applying or do you know someone who would make the perfect student ambassador? Click below to see the next steps! Applications are due April 11, 2021.